Let me share what happened to me after Nov 24 :)
My Birthday passed without anything special. I celebrated it alone. Shopping for 2 pair of shoes at Celine, had diamond peel at Flawless, and had footspa plus pedicure at NuStyle Salon. I was contented then. I've been praying for a ME time and yea, I finally gave myself one, until my closest friends texted me and asked to chill out at Kai's crib. So there, even I had a very oily face, I still manange to went over my friend's place.
I grabbed some 20 pcs of Antonov Vodka from Puregold, Sr. Pedro's Lechong Manok and some chips. My closests friends got me cake from Contis. Thanks mga chong. :)

Sorry for the crappy pic, hehe. just had my diamond peel.
So after Birthday, we had a lots of holidays. Christmas, New Years, and there were tons of reunions, food, and booze everywhere! Naumay ako sa handaan. heheI was feeling happy closing year 2010. Hoping for best 2011! Love. Peace. Happiness. Bring it on, 2011! :)
more love, peace and happiness to you!
yey!!!!!:) post pa!:)
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