That's marketing team before. Would you believe if I tell you I'm the only marketing person there who's still connected with my current employer now? Yes! They're all gone. Even the big boss there. Everyone moved out and found his/her new job elsewhere. I couldn't imagine me staying here. Once I tried leaving, another opportunity came my way--and still I wasn't prepared. Then, I came back. I loved everything about here. All the perks and the people. I got tons of old and new friends. I learned a lot about internet marketing. I love my boss now. He's too nice and smart. Yet, there's something in me that I am trying to understand, why am I not happy anymore. Was it because K left also? Was it because of the current status of the company? Nah. I think it doesn't count at all. I'd be very hypocrite if I say I don't miss everyone here. The old employees to be exact. I miss them. Ung tawanan kapag break, ung walang humpay na yosi. It's really different now.
That picture? It's too old. And its not complete anyway. We were like 18 before. And now. The new marketing team? We are 6 in a group now. Me the oldest employee, my boss of course, not new but still I came earlier than him, plus the 4 new people. They're all nice and smart. But still. I miss the old marketing team!