Yea, I told everyone about my bestfriend who tied a knot last Friday, 08/08/08. I know, perfect date! I suggested it by the way. For some reasons (like Feng Sui reason LOL), I actually planned having my own wedding on that perfect date, but ofcourse, it's impossible because I don't have a groom yet, so I decided to give it to my bestfriend.
I had to take a leave on my Friday shift last week, I know I'll be a lil (okay not lil I'm actually UBER) drunk, so yeah I skipped work even I have heaps of tasks to do on my list--boss oblidged! OK! Sure, you're the BEST! The best part? I left my cam. haha! Goodjob! Well, Carmi brought hers but hell I want my own copy ofcourse! I arrived at 2pm. The wedding started at 11am. Good God! I am sooo late i know! The food was great! The people? hmmm. I know 'em all, so it's not that great (well am actually secretly expecting new faces to see), and lastly, I didn't have that FUN fun feeling.. Did you get it? BECAUSE I DO HATE HAPPY COUPLES remember? LOL
On the serious note, I happen to see these newly wed fighting over something, so I butted in, since, I am the bestfriend and this guy happens to be my cousin-like (his my bro's wife cousin, yeah really small world!). My girl gave a look that she was so pissed so I went over and asked what the hell was going on in the middle of their wedding reception. She told me that she just caught his hubby smoking bakes (AGAIN) in the comfort room while she was entertaining the guests! GRABE! I was disappointed that I grabbed the groom going outside far from the guests and asked him what the fukc was his problem why the hell he wanted to screw his own wedding?
Expected as it is, he was in his slow mo mode and he's not responding to whichever I was asking. He just gave a grin and tried explaining with his mischievous look. I pity my best bud having a not so glamorous wed (every girls dream of having one right?) and having that kind of scenario in her wedding day.
The only thing I told them both was...
"You were both responsible with each other, you (pointing to the girl) knew from the very start that he was like this (smoking weed for years already that do not have plans of quiting anytime soon), but still you chose to marry him. You (pointing to the guy) knew that she was nagger in some point and really hard headed at times and yea, still you opted to marry her. No one forced you both to get married. We even told you that getting married is not a solution of getting her pregnant. If you both don't feel like getting married at first, you have your own choices on your end. This is your own choice... so why the hell you're both ruining this special day of your lives? To tell you the truth, I was so envious with you guys because finally you were able to make it. You ended up with each other, I was hoping me and On*e would be given a chance to be happy too and be together, getting married, and I was bloody hoping that that day would be today. You are both lucky having each other, so I must tell you guys to grow up because after this day, it'll not be like the normal days you usually encounter in the past. It's gonna be different world! Another challenging stage of your lives. Another wonderful story to cherish. And you have to stick with each other, because from now on, you are counted as one."
I got stoned drunk. I don't know how many songs I sang from the videoke. I started drinking at 4pm and ended at 10pm I guess. Then we headed to Tagaytay to have this famous bulalo soup. Nahimasmasan din ako sa wakas.
Ok it was fun. Fun, like our normal inuman session. But yea, I have to admit, that day was different after I realized we had that inuman session because they tied the knot. *sigh
3 weeks ago