First of all, I'm disappointed. I set my alarm to 10pm so I could fix myself and be in the office before 12mn. So, it alarmed and I woke up. Suddenly, I fell asleep again and was shocked when I saw the time! It was 11:50 then. I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a bath. Took the taxi and arrived office at 12:20am! Damn! I was 5 mins late. Darn** I'm not gonna be receiving the 3K perk (AGAIN).. I was too close to it! (haay sayang)
This will be my last day for the week. :) Thank God! I'm gonna be having a 4day off. Boss managed to make Thursday, July 3 as our day off so we could have a loong vacation. July 4 is holiday for the states so we're not gonna be having work on Friday too. :) I hope I'll have a nice nice vacation. I am really excited to go home, but before heading off to Alabang, I have to go home first at the condo because I forgot to bring some clothes since I was really in a hurry a while ago! Yikes! I am feeling sooo lazy today. :(
So Happy weekend everyone :)
3 weeks ago