Goodmorning everyone!
What's good in the morning when you've learned that your great love way back from highschool is finally engaged and finally settling down anytime soon? Wow! what a shock for me when I see pictures of his and who else? The girl from highshcool also. That girl who every guys been eyeing. She's the girl next door type and I must say, she's pretty and nice. Everybody loves her. Because she's too shy and timid. she's naive and pleasant. Her personality is waaaay too far from these students of 3rd year who are known to be the mean girls and bitches! (woah! zip it! could you control your feelings? are you talking about us? my group of friends to be exact?!) Well, yeah we are not that shy and timid. Oh honestly, we are not even close to that. I was just wondering... why people get it wrong for those girls who are actually misbehaving way back high school. I mean, yeah! we are not that fan of those geeky types of students. We even don't go to class in time. I myself confess, I use to cheat in exams. We've been in detention for couple of times. But I must say, we are not that mean and if you could only knew, we are lovable indeed! I should not broadcast this thing actually, yea! we are that bitch but we don't need to take an effort to be in the horor roll list! Heck! We are smart and we don't need mountains of books to achieve such medals during recognition days. Coz what we wanted to say is that... We know how to chill and we know when to chill. That is!
Yeah! Pathetic!
Why would I emphasize things like these? haha! because a lot of people misunderstood us. Being mean sometimes doesn't mean we are evil. We just know how to express ourselves. We don't care what people might say. What important is we know when to react and we know how to respond.
Am i getting your attention now?
I am just bloody confused why these timid-shy-naive-girls are the ones who are very blessed with really good looking guys plus potentials on the side. YEAH! now I admit it! I am envious of them. I actually do not want to elaborate on things. I just want to make it clear, I adore that guy before, I even did nasty things for a proffessor just to get his name or whatever. Let's just say, letting this entry published would help me get over seeing their lovely pics on the net. haha! I was just not ready to see those. Wasn't really expecting they'll end up together. Wasn't also expecting this guy would broadcast his love and affection with this lovely lass. Yea! they look absolutely happy together. plus the fact that they look so contented with each other. Oh well, am happy for the both of them! REALLY am happy now.
3 weeks ago