Yes! It's our Birthday today and I forgot it again. HEHE! Good thing, babe texted. It was sweet of him to remember every 10th day of every month. :) I love you for that! :)
What am I supposed to blog right now? I'm actually not in the mood to write, but fuck the tasks am doing at of this time really sucks big time! I have no choice but to continue doing these. I'm so so sooo unlucky for being in this kind of situation.
Anyhow, I'd rather share stories regarding my so-called social life than my work. :) Well, it's been what since I blog about the details of my weekends or my daily routines? Hmmm, I can't remeber when. Even browsing my favorite blogs, I too got no time. It's not because I'm very busy-busy. I don't know, prolly I'm not in the mood or because I have more options to do than reading blogs nowadays.
Weekends for me been enjoying so far. I tend to have some drinking sessions each time. If it's not gonna be at Sarah's crib, it would be at Oge's or prolly at Tj's. Well, I'm just lucky I got tons of friends who never fail to invite me for some drinks on Saturdays. :) I don't know where should I start talking with sense here, but I could really really feel I need to take the exit door! HAH! What's wrong with me? hahahaha! I can't even create a decent sentence. :( arg! FINE! Don't mind me... I'm just dealing with annoyance towards some non sense creature here! LOL
Anyway, fine! I'd share something bout my man's situation. Which I actually don't want to disclose, but hey! I know some of you are still praying for my boyf and for that I owe you an explaination. :)
Ok. I was actually a lil upset about this ish. Not a lil upset, but I am bloody bloody upset about it I swear! So we had a normal hearing last September and October, and to my surprise the case wasn't finish yet. God! How can this be happening? It's been hmmmm... fine! I'll stop ranting here. :) I got a new motto for now, actually came from my mother. She told me... "Don't be afraid, HAVE FAITH!" And I was like, "AMEN!"
No one knows when this will end. No one knows exactly how we are surpassing these trials. I already quit a lot of times but still I'm here, trying to resolve these prob we got. Lately yes I told you I've been hanging out with different circle of friends, but still I got this "alone" feeling. You know what I mean? Even I am surrounded with happy people, even I know my friends would want to make me feel better, even I know I still got my family to count on, STILL... the feeling of being alone is in me. Still, I can feel the lonesome. Still, I am fighting with this battle which I don't know until when...
I've been following some local artists on Twitter and I am actually envious with their activities. If in case my job was similar to them, prolly I wouldn't have time getting depressed or something. Just like Pokie, Mariel, and RR--Wowowee girls. Gosh! They were all lucky to be part of the noon time show! Imagine how much they are earning now, to think they are having fun with what they're doin. I love their JOB as in! I am still hooked up with some TV series. If I don't feel like drinking, I tend to bum around my room and watch different series in the Again thanks to my friend, Kabog who shared the link. If it wasn't with her, I wouldn't be this updated with GG, The Hills, and Desperate Housewives. Just last Saturday, I started watching, "How I met your Mother" It was indeed a funny series. A must see actually!
I had a great conversation with my kuya last week. They're coming home next year! YAY! Excited! SUPER!
Now the Christmas tree is already up here in the office together with the christmas lights. In our village, the old basketball court was converted to a play ground, and the home owners association officers are actually decorating the place and getting ready for the Christmas. They are trying to build a Belen, and it was huge! Some of my neighbors got christmas decors as well, my mother on the other hand wanted to buy a new parol which has singing christmas lights. I pleaded not to. And Totee thought I'm being bitter about Christmas--YES! I am! And I hate that I am feeling this way. I wanted to be happy and to act normal during holidays, but for some reasons, I don't like the month of November and December. I wanted to skip those months. The sadness is killing me. :( for real!
Next Sat, it'll be Brian's bday, and we'll be celebrating it in his crib. Prolly, I'll go and have fun! Next next week, Nov 21, my girls are planning to celebrate my bday in Sta Rosa, Laguna. Oge's parents has a new house there. I hope it'll be relaxing and fun as well. I'm expecting a few friends to come over, Oge, Carla, Marla, Via, Kai and Dina. Chen is welcome as well, but I'm not sure if she wanted to come. :) On the 28th, I'll have a double celebration bday with my boyf's sis. Her bday is on the 25th. We'll celebrate it together. I don't know the plan yet, I'm thinking of having it somewhere in ParaƱaque or someone's crib, Sarah's prolly. Km's planning to serve her popular bake mac. It tastes heaven, really! Well, on my bday, 26th of November, I don't have work. YEY for that! It'll be Thanksgiving in the States. Well, I dont have any plans yet. Prolly I'll celebrate it with my fam or with my other half. I don't know. I'm actually not excited for this month, honestly i don't want to celbrate my day, it's just that, it's non sense celbrating it with out my boyf. I actually got other plans before. Before that I knew he'll gonna be free by this month, I got other plans, like celebrating it together out-of-town. So it sucks I'll be celebrating it by myself again. I can't do anything about it though but to thank God I'm still alive and still getting tons of blessings!
God, thank you! Please answer my prayer before my Birthday.. Pretty please...
3 weeks ago