That's Up, Paranormal Activity, When in Rome and Possesion. We didn't finish those in one sitting. Of course there are a little lapse and in fact we watched the 2 cds the next day. We had lunch at Gerry's grill in SmB.

Lechon Kawali - Php210.00
Sizzling Pusit ala Pobre - Php305.00
3 Plain rice - Php87.00
Lipton Iced Tea (Bottomless) - Php68.00
We went back to his place, watch movie again and I fell asleep. We went home before 6 I guess, brought back the cds we rented to Video City and headed Alabang. At home, R prepared our dinner. By 10pm we left home and meet some friends at Tj's crib. It's Rj and Pao's Birthday celebration. We had a blast :)

The next day, Sunday. I was awaken by my pamangkin Kelly. If it wasn't him, I wont get up. I'm still feeling drunk at 11 in the morning. LOL So yea, my nephnews were too loud and I couldn't resist but play with them. Afternoon R arrived. We planned of going to atc for some walk or prolly coffee but my body was aching then, so I decided to visit the salon instead, unfortunately the place was jampacked. I called my sister that we'll just buy some stuff in SM Muntinlupa and we'll just cook Spaghetti for merienda.
Spaghetti by Karen and R plus Mocha Roll Goldilocks for Merienda