I missed my inaanak's 3rd Birthday. It was an emergency. Kelly's at the hospital right now. :( I hope he'll get better soon. Ninang Damba's missing you lil boy. :( I'm so sad for Kelly's condition. :(
So I have 2 gifts for Lila now. My gift last Christmas and now my gift for her Bday. Was wondering how will I give her these? Hmmm...
On the side note:
I'm not expecting too much from this new relationship, but yea, I can see some consistency going on. I thought we'll not surpass a week or two of togetherness haha. But now, we're still here.. I don't know. But sure! I'll hang on. Stay calm and be with you as long as you want me to stay. As long as you think we're okay. As long as we think this is going to be fine... I'll stay. :)
I'm missing On*e though. I finally had the guts of visiting him earlier. Oh I mean yesterday. I was too brave to face him. I even told him what's going on with me. :) He asked me why do I need to tell him where infact he doesn't need to know because we're through already.. Well I have so many reasons why I went there...
~ I miss him
~ I want to know what's going on with him
~ I want to ask how was the case
~ I just couldn't hide it, yes! I still love him. DAMN!
3 weeks ago