I left the office yesterday late but early. Late for my shift that is 930-630 supposedly. Apparently, I logged out at 8 something. Was really not feeling too well. I am now afraid of eating chicken or anything na "malansa" including eggs. Oh-oh! How would I live without eggs? In my everyday living, I got to have at least one egg in a meal. Anyways, I've been allergic to too much of chicken way back when I was a kid. But, what happened to me today was unusual, for the normal thing was I am having freakin rashes on the upper left arm and on the upper right thighs. That's the usual for me when I eat too much of chicken! What happened today was totally disgusting! My body turned reddish and somewhat rashes were all over. Gosh! Was feeling really sick, not to mention my running nose and a slight fever. so at 3pm I woke up. I opt to go to the hospital and see a doctor and ask what's going on with me.
I chose this nearby hospital and hurriedly ask if its ok for them to check me up even I only have the number of intellicare not the card. Reason why I got no card was I resigned here and I surrendered all the benefit cards we have from work. So, the nurse stood up and called intellicare for verification.
After gazillion of calls, she ended telling me they couldn't admit me for my card was terminated! holy crap! would this guy from the intellicare knew how much I am suffering at that time? I was bloody red and I couldn't ease the itchiness. I told the nurse that the number I gave was a new number. Yes I resigned and I came back but the number I gave was totally different from the old one.
I tried calling shellie (our HR) about it. Then, she made an action. Texted me to wait for a sec and the intellicare guy will call the hospital and tell them that I am able to use that number and I should be admitted anytime.
See how unreliable that guy was? He didn't return the call for the next 30 mins or so. I was dead sick and tired of what I'm feeling so I asked shellie for the number. I called. He didn't picked up the phone the 3rd time. Arg! so, he answered then, and apologize and handed the phone to the nurse. They agreed on admitting me. Thank good God!
After 2 patients, I was called. You see, the doctor checked me up for only 15 mins I guess. He gave me prescription, medicine to buy and ask me to stop from eating yeah! undesirable food for me which are chicken, fish, eggs, and the like for one week. *sob*
I'll be in medication for 1 week and I will see what will happen next.
Today, my head is bloody aching and I still got running nose. I headed to the nurse here in the office after I took my meal and ask for bioflu. I took 3 tablets of medicines (which I hardly do whenever I am sick) and silently work here in my place. I don't want to take an off even am not feeling good because I am not stayong in my real home. I honestly want to go home in Alabang, but I still have tons of work to do here.
So now, I'm signing off and will back to work. *sniff sniff*
3 weeks ago