I tell you what.. At home? I'm the boss, I care less even I don't go home 2 to 3 days because I'm just chilling around in neighbors' crib or because I just can't go home for I'm stoned drunk or something. Living with my 'rents is kinda so-so, I got to have nice meals, not just like in condo, fried porkchop will be the most delicious food I could cook for myself. Probably, the only thing I'll miss about the condo is the convenience. I swear to death! travelling from the condo to the office was no biggie deal, remember the unlimited cabs around the area? Today, I left home 10:45, and it was raining hard. I arrived office exactly 12mn. Get what I mean? It's too fuckin hard living far from your work. what else? Ah yah! The atm machines nearby. Yesterday, I forgot I wasn't living in the condo anymore, for I had no cash left in my purse. So I had to ask for 500 bucks from my big sis. At the condo, I don't worry when it comes to cash. Anytime I could just walk beside the building for atms. Gosh! this is so frustrating, I am finally missing the condo minus the stupid cat.
Lastly, I just noticed (even my boss did), that I hardly dress up these past few days. Why? hell, how would I wear my collection of pumps if I have to walk from our gate to the guard house of the village just to get a tryk! Fuck! right? haha! Sigh! Just like what Aisa has to say, dressing up is the only thing that could make our days brighter having been in this kind of work environment, night shift, having geeky officemates around you, twisted relationship we are into, what else? haha! dressing up could be the last option we do to make ourselves... say, pretty happy or contented somehow. I don't know. To show you the difference on how I dress up last week from this week, lemme show you some pics from before....
Last Monday, I am wearing chocolate brown high waist skirt, polka dot polo top, brown flower brooch, and chocolate/cream stilletos.
Last Tuesday, I am wearing spag strap inside top, brown long vintage polo top, brown belt. maong skinny jeans, and white slip-ons.
Last Wednesday, I wore halter top with beads as necklace, 3/4's black bolero, highwaist gray skirt, gucci belt, and black stilletos.
And yeah, I don't know what I wore last Thursday shift and I got no pic too! Let's proceed on my Friday get up. Well, it's Tricia's bday and yeah! We dressed up again because we're going to have a breakfast somewhere in eastwood.

I am wearing that shimmery gray dress, it's actually a top for those normal girls, so, since am shorty, it's a dress a for me, plus stripes racerback, gucci belt and yellow pumps.
As for this week, I always wear skinny jeans pants, normal shirts, hoodies, jackets, and slippers. Well, for some reasons like, I have my period, I don't feel like dressing up, plus, it's non sense because of the stupid weather, and yeah! it's kinda hard because im riding a bus going to the office. So there...
P.S. The reason why my pics were kinda candid is that I have this one officemate who thinks I dress up like a barbie doll, she's a lil fond about my fashion style I guess, so once in while last week, she begged on taking pics of my attire, but i'm a lil shy about it. LOL