For some reasons, I didn't try to go home last weekend and opted to stay at the condo by myself. I know staying there will kinda be a bit boring and lonesome but still I did. All I did right then was to indulge myself with Desperate Housewives Season 2-3, to reminisnce about the past, look at myself in the mirror for how many times, critisize what's with the series and how it is related to my life now, look back in the past, and finally to see what's the future ahead of me.
True. Being alone is not pleasant. I must say, it took me 7 times to think of going home in Alabang, nonetheless, I stay home and make myself busy by cleaning the entire house instead.
I spent my day in the telly watching my fave series, then finally 4pm I realized I haven't taken any meal yet. Soon, I texted Gen to borrow dvd and she lend a helping hand by asking me what do I like for pasalubong. I was thinking of asking for food. But then again I realized it's late to ask for help because my tummy's really aching and I need to fill it in some food to make it fine. Soon, I managed to go down and grab a bite in this awesome karinderya I think. I bought porkchop sizzling and I had it take out. Btw, my housemate was home with some friends and I kinda think they had a small catching up since I saw a glass of wine and pasta going on in the kitchen. I probably do not know what time I went to sleep but I sure it was soo late.
I had a good night sleep.
I know it'll be a long day ahead, I woke up around 8am, took a bath and turned on the telly. Yeah! that early. What can I do I have nothing to do. LOL :)) Then, I made myself something to eat. Good breakfast though. You know what I like being alone? I got to do everything on my own. I'm starting to be like an adult, you know, preparing my food, i mean my MEAL, hehe. Then, I realized there's nothing left from my last grocery. So I headed up to Ever Gotesco Mall Ortigas. Yeah, Yeah! I know it's kinda far from my house. What can I do, I'm still not familiar with the area so I went where I am comfortable and where I know everything is cheap. GOOD! Ok Actually that's the main reason. ;)
First I went to the dept store to buy some stuffs for my room and for our kitchen.
1. tv rack
2. fleece
3. vase
4. flower
5. frame and a clock
6. hamper
7. containers for seasonings
8. what do u call that? salaan? that is!
Then I headed off to the supermarket. I got to buy food and my toiletries. Boy, I didn't realize I had too much, my bill was 1300 something then, and the previous from the dept store was 500 something I think. Now am being so unreasobale again. I need help here to get rid of my over expense. I should know how to value money since I am expecting higher bills to pay now. So I have to work my ass off with other job as well. Currently, I have this really nice client. But for some reasons, I don't know how in the world I'll trust him. :( He doesn't know how to transact with me through this world wide web but for all I know all his employee were living here and were all Filipinos. Well, I don't wanna spread all the details in here, what I'd like is these things to pursue, before that.. I'll be needing a laptop. Arg!
So sunday afternoon, while I was cleaning my room, Gen texted, she's asking me to along along at Sheryl's uncle's wake. We went there and got home by 830pm. Then I realized my housemate was out all day and she's still out until then. I went up and continue my series. Then I fell asleep.
Was a good sleep though.
Came Monday, I heard all the walkings around the house, sure thing, A was around. She must be preparing for work. She left and I had the means of cooking my breakfast. :) soon I started eating and watch the telly again. Then I went down to smoke. I had two sticks and finally the guy I met everytime I'm down and chilling outside the building broke the silence and ask for my name. We chatted. Funny thing though, while I was about to go to the lift, I suddenly realized, I forgot his name. What a shame! LOL :))
I cooked again for my lunch and dinner and yah, continued what I left, my series. :))
That's my weekend. I had no fun at all, but yeah, I rested really WELL. And that's my point of staying there. ;)
3 weeks ago