Yesterday I went to my doctor for my ff check up. Had a good and bad news. Well, I'm still completely fine. One thing though, my wallet will get hurt for sure. haha!
So anyway, having the procedures with the nurse, she got my BP, my pulse rate and my current weight. Holidays just passed so I am feeling so fat... I keep on ranting in my twitter account that I think I gained weight. I really feel it since yea, my body's heavier compared before the festives. And to my surprise! WOAH! I only weigh 84lbs. WTF? Srsly?
I didn't go to work today :( I'm feeling dizzy and sleepy. Prolly because of the meds I'm taking. Damn! I shouldn't be drinking booze since I'm in medication. FUDGE! That's what I'm saying! I don't want to see my doctor for I know my social life will get ruined! hahaha! Silly me! Hmmm.. So what am I gonna do now? Well, I don't know, prolly I'll just order calamansi juice tonight at Patrick's Welcome Home Party/Birthday Bash. Oh well, let's see til I post some pics here...
Got to go now and make myself healthy! haha! I'll have a walk outside. Excercise? Come on! Not for me! LOL
PS. Sorry boss, not my intention to be out of the office today. Blame it on my meds! :D
3 weeks ago