Look at that, it's a typical house I got from Google Images, I was inlove by it the moment I saw it. A two-storey house, with veranda on the 2nd floor, without gate, and full of green plants around it. I have this thought of having that kind of home when I grew up, when I have my family on my own, I wanted them to live to a place just like this. I am dreaming of having a loving husband with 2 cute kids in the future. I want them to be at ease to where they would live. I am struggling now, working really hard for me to be able to start having my own investments. Now, I have this house from a humble place. I started to transact things last year and finally we are settling down to business. It's a low-cost housing. A small place to live in. I have great plans on that house and I believe it'll come true in God's time. I am thankful to my mom, without her, I would not pursue on things just like these. She helped me a lot in times of legal documents and legal transactions that I myself do not understand at all. I have to seek for comments and ideas from her. So, now, I have this two-storey home--a duplex one. I am really excited seeing it, perfectly made and seeing a good family living in there. I am planning of taking things slow. I am actually planning of not occupying the space but to make it available for other people. Whoever could rent it so that I could earn from it. Great idea right? I'll keep everyone posted to when it could be available for occupancy. I know it would take time, because we have to fix things first. We have to put on screens and grills for the windows and screen for the doors, so that it would be safe for the tenants to live in there.
On my part, I actually wanted to have space on my own near my work, living with relatives is OKAY but I'm not contented with it. On the other hand, whenever I'm counting on things I need to settle for bills and things I need to pay, I turn to "saka na!" thought. Things will happen in due time also with God's permission. Thank God for supporting me achieving one of my dreams!