The next day, January 1, we had a family reunion at our house with the Britanico clan. Pics were uploaded in Totee's FS account.
I had a reunion with my HS batchmates last January 2. It was successful! I was one of the organizers. It was great seeing old faces again. Reminiscing the past and laughing with all the craziness we had way back then. 10 years have passed. And here we are now...
We weren't complete though. But still, we didn't expect those number of people who came. Our 1st honor, 2nd honor and 3rd honor were there, plus the notorious boys and maaarteng girls. Of course my group of girls were present except for Kyana. She's sick that's why she failed to come. 2 batchmates from Germany and HK came. I was shocked when I saw Tim Yapjoco that night. It almost made me cry. I miss O when I saw Tim. They were magkababata talaga. So he was actually asking a lot regarding O. I wasn't able to drink too much. Super steady lang. Me and Via were like the bouncers that night. LOL. Mga pasaway kong batchmates, kabisado ko na kayo sa totoo lang. It was memorable indeed. I hope we could do it again some time in April when Don arrives for his wedding.
The next day, January 3. I watched 'I love you, Goodbye' with Martin at Shang. The movie wasn't that deep but it made me cry. Damn! Too much emotions suddenly occured when Derek said, 'give me another chance'. I can barely open my eyes. I want to run and seek for O and tell him, let's get back together. Yea, I was that pathetic. O and I are still on a break. We miss each other. But lke what I said in my letter to him, we can't be together yet. While you were there, continuing the relationship is non sense. Let's see what might happen in the future when you're free. If I'll still be single then, let's get back together. :)
After which, we headed to Linden Suites for Sofia Jae's shower party.
Congratulations to Daddy Arman and Mommy She for a succesful shower party. We can't wait to see baby Sofia as well!
Apc friends were there plus my inaanak Lila. Dyahe I forgot to bring my gift. I didn't know she's coming eh. I'm happy to see my friends again. Building their own family and others were having strong relationships with their boos. I hope 2010 will be a memorable for all all us. May God bless us all. Happy 2010 everyone!
Now, let's get back to work! BOOO!
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