We're done with holidays. Later I'm back to work. I don't know but I still can't believe 2009's over. It's like nothing really happened there. I mean, talking bout my personal stuff only. Of course I know there's a lot of things happened last year, Ondoy and all the unexpected tragedy before. A lot of my friends got engaged. Some had their babies as well. Some had to part ways and some stayed single. As for me, am still hanging in here. No idea what will happen next. I'm not sure if this is quite good or bad for me. I don't have any plans or resolutions. What I know is that, I'm just making myself ready and calm for what might happen today, tomorrow and in the next days of my life.
2009. What can I say about it? Nothing actually. Wasn't really good for me. I guess 70% of the time last year, I was in my low point. I feel totally depressed and 25% most probably was the time I really felt the real happiness. I'll give the 5% part to where I actually felt so-so. Like wala lang talaga. Tipong wala akong pakelam, un lang. Here's a re-cap on what happened to me last year:
Don and I been textmates
I wanna get out of the relationship but yea i still love him to death
Still living in Pasig
Super shopping
Tatu in the picture
We had our first break up attempt
She's Wedding at Tagaytay
BORA Baby!
Moved in with Pot
about to fall for Don
Anawangin shit
crazy with conference thingy
Totee's Grad
Pansol Celebration with Britanico and Denina
9th year anniversary with O
I changed my Blog's URL
Cagbalete Trip - Ang beach na walang tubig. Ano daw? LOL
I told O about Don, we had a big fight. We almost called it quits
O threaten me :(
I got my part time job with Naxos
I got myself a laptop.
Got my hair rebonded
Oge's Birthday at Canyon Woods, Tagaytay
June 10 - O surprised me with Buttered Shrimp, Chanel wallet and ice cream. Sweet.
I had my twitter account
A guy from the past said HELLO
Solar Eclipse
Cory Died
Starting to hate Tatu
I thought O will be free
Had a simple birthday celeb for O
First time to try Pepper Lunch at ATC
Ended my contract with Naxos
Joy's Wedding
Sofitel Experience
Had a thing with the guy on my past
At the same time I'm beggining to miss Tatu if he's not around
Irene went home.
Pansol Getaway
Aileen and I had a fight over Don
115th Monthsary :(
Went to doctor for check up
We broke up
I learned I got some virus. I'm actually sick.
Started taking meds
Double Bday Celeb Central Party with KM Batch 2001
Pj's trying to hit on me again
Shat with the boys at Tony's (Second Bday Celeb)
Bday celeb with my Fam
Bday celeb in Aplaya Alabang with my Batch (ilang party pa?)
Martin started to court me again I think
O sent engagement ring, I ditched him
This some guy started to flirt with me til now
Steady Christmas
Still taking meds
Martin's Bday Celeb at Central Madison
Christmas Party with HS Girls
I got my passport. YAY!
Christmas Denina Reunion at 18th Ave
Party with Cousins at Serve Bar
Christmas Party with Batch 2001
Didn't go to work on last day of 2009
Went to St. Lukes, ate Mich was confined. She's srsly sick
3 weeks ago
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