1. Go to work.
2. Have a cup of cafe mocha extra hot.
3. Do some of your tasks. Answer emails.
4. Tweet like hell.
5. Listen to owl city on your phone.
6. Wait for 5pm and then logged out.
7. Walk till you pass by the mall.
8. Call boyfriend and tell him how you miss him.
9. Buy small things for boyfriend.
10. Ride the MRT.
11. Call boyfriend again and tell him you're on your way to his place. Ask if he wants to fetch you in SM.
12. Smoke while waiting for him.
13. Greet him with a smile plus a sweet kiss on the lips.
14. Ride his motor all the way to his crib.
15. Greet his cousins, nieces, nephnew and sister.
16. Hand him your present and see his big smile. Hear him say THANKS BABE. :)
17. Had sinigang na salmon for dinner with the rest of his fam.
18. Smoke with his friends outside.
19. Make small conversation.
20. Follow him to his room.
21. Cuddle all night.
22. Hear him say how much he misses you and how much he loves you.
23. Kiss and thank him.
24. Go home.
25. Answer phone as he calls and say goodnight.
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