May 30, 2009
"Judgement may well have some nice romantic surprises in store for you today, dear aiza. But the question is: are you ready to receive them with open arms and a cheerful disposition? (Ayun lang!) Or are the doubts that the Lovers are sprinkling into the equation paralyzing you? (kase naman! haha!) There is certainly no shortage of invitations for an evening out, or for other opportunities for meeting people. But it’s entirely up to you to put your uncertainties aside and accept these invitations with enthusiasm. Just do it - make that little effort, you won’t regret it! (weh? e bat nagreregret ako ngayon? shit sana nde nalang ako kinilig sa knya! LOL mukang ako ang nabibitag hahaha!) In the work sphere, Judgement imposes a more intellectual note to the pragmatic aspects that Justice is concerned with. Go through your diary carefully and make the best of all the contacts you have previously established. Go beyond the textbook and the usual polite conversation, try to really get people enthusiastic about your ideas. You have the means to do it. The card of Judgement enables you to get over prejudices and preconceived ideas... (buti may maayos akong nabasa today! salamat msn. haha)"
3 weeks ago
ano kaya tarot ko for the month? shocks gusto ko mabasa.. nakak excite!
hahahaha! palagay ko alam ko ung sayo.. sabi sayo...
"gaze, kokota ka this month! hearts hearts ang show mo! LOL"
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