Some people misunderstood the real meaning of happiness. I admit, most of the time I really don't know where, with whom, and how would I get this particular feeling. All of us are seeking and longing for this. At some point, we actually don't seem to understand that we are already happy, what's really bugging us is that, we are not contented of what we have, what we are, and where we are.
Ok. lemme get straight to the point. I have a friend. Who's very very lucky but she didn't know she was. So I was having a good conversation with her last night, and since we lack time for she has to leave and my shift just started, I told her I'll gonna post an entry for her about what I'd want tell her exactly.
For the past few months or weeks probably, I haven't seen this girl. I text her at times, but seldomly we exchanged messages because we have different shifts. It's kinda obvious that this girl is one of my favorites among my friends, I believe each of my buddies are unique by personalities and I kinda had a lot of good and bad times with her before compared to others. Somewhat, she didn't leave me behind and tried her best to be a perfect friend so I am really grateful having her around. :) (thanks buddy I owe you one!) So yeah, to reciprocate whatever she did for me before, I am now trying my best to be a perfect friend to her as well.
At this point of time, I know she's in the midst of her searching, seeking for someone to be with her for the rest of her lives. But yeah, we know this prob is very very common to us girls that we badly want to meet Mr. Right at this age. However, it wasn't that easy. The searching continues each and everyday and we all hope that whoever would be the lucky man who'll be our other halves would be the ideal man we have from our dreamland. So yeah, this friend of mine reached the peak of her boiling point. She even want to go to Baclaran and pray really hard to our Lord God for his Mr. Right. She was so frustrated that she went to me and ask help to get over this feeling or help her find Mr. Right.
As a good friend, first thing I did was to enlighten her how lucky she is without a boyfriend. There are other things which we should prioritize than ranting about not having a boo by our side. Should I need to mention this for her to realize how blessed she is? This girl is a rich kid, a programmer, a dean's lister way back in college (haha), so she's smart and I tell you what? This girl is a chick. She doesn't have vices and yah.. ok ok.. she's really nice. A perfect description for her is--opposite of me. LOL
The second step I did was to search some of guy friends from my phonelist. My plan is to text them regarding courting this girl. LOL. And yeah I did! To my surprise, 2 friends replied. So, it was definitely a successful task! GREAT!
I know, what we did was weird, but I seriously wanted to help you search for Mr. Right. Who knows this guy might be him! hehehehe.

haha! Like I said, I'd be grateful seing you happy and contented. Girl, I wish you and him will be together really soon, and when I say soon, I'm hoping for like next week. LOL. (Ang tagal e!)
On Saturday, I wish I could come. I won't forget texting everyone if I'm coming.. So guys, see you when I got to see ya all!
Geni, Cheer up! Stop being paranoid about having a boyfriend or what, in God's perfect time... (sana sinasabi ko rin to sa sarili ko no? LOL)
Fine! I'm done with this! :D