Cool that I had a chance clubbin' on a Saturday night! Thanks to Aisa for the GL thingy, we are able to enter the bar without paying the entrance fee! :D Gee! I thought I'll be super stoned drunk going home then. Apparently, I had only one bottle of san mig light! c'mon! yeah I know! It's not for me. I'm a no-no for that drink but yeah, I still don't know how these people drink normally. I mean, this is my what? second time going out with them? YEAH! It's not that I usually go home really drunk-dead, I'm just used to being tipsy and all. Hehe! But yeah! I had fun, especially with the GINA hunting moments with my fave girls in row 4. God I love them! LOL
Here are the captured moments:

And here's my kawawa pic haha!
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