Am still partying of course!
Though I've been acting like as if I'm a superwoman of my company and my family, I still find time having fun with my friends and colleagues. Here are some of the captured moments during the times we are having fun..

Ok.. This pic isn't a party or something.. This is my team and we took a break over these yummy cereals. We headed off to "cerealicious" at Robinson's Galleria where my boss's treated us for some dessert. Mind you, he's one of the owner of this so-called store and yeah, they got tons of branches all over the metro. OK. I know I look haggard on that pic. LOL

This pic was taken when we were patying at Carbon Bar. I was wondering why I got no beer at all. LOL. Well, my colleagues for sure had fun especially T and A. LOL. They were the ones who have partners at that time. As for me? I took the exit door earlier than usual and managed to rest at my crib and planned to go home at south the next day. (I know I'm a lil boring person today compared before. LOL)
Party at Achie's Bar. A's bf had this Nocturnal Party and most of my team were invited. It was fun though, wasn't that really into gimmick nowadays, my shift doesn't permit me so this gig thing made our morning a lil better. There were body shots, a lot of booze, dancing in the ledge, picture moments and many more..

It's Aisa's bday. We had pizza, food from bancheto and trance music for our background during working hours. Boss was not around so yea, we were not that pressured to work. LOL
There, with my college friends, i super miss them. Not having a single sleep at that time, after visiting Onie, I had the means of going back to the condo and had a bath then I headed off to Decades Metrowalk to be with my batchmates. Was kinda awkward feeling. Wasn't able to drink all night though I am in the mood to drink, my body couldn't take the alcohol am suppose to be drinking, so I what happened was.. I left them at 12:15am... really too early..

Hah! I can say.. I have to give myself a break. need to party more often. I'm only 24 and I should say, I have to make my life fun and exciting in some point.. after all, I know I deserve to be happy..
I wonder where will I be this Saturday? Hmmmm.. I'll keep you posted if there's gonna be a fun fun night or morning or which ever.. :)
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