Last night I had a good sleep not until I dream about him and me fighting over the phone. I heard loud noise in the background as if he is in a party or something. Then something came out into my mouth like...
"Where in the hell are you now? Aren't you suppose to taking care of our kid while I was here sticking my ass in my fucking chair and dealing with unbelievable deadlines!? Damn it! you're so unconsiderate and what do you think you're doing? having fun and going home really late, stoned drunk? Damn! I'm sick and tired of my life.. make sure tomorrow morning, all your mess inside my house are all gone! Leave me alone with my kid! I'm so done with you!"
:( OMG! Then I woke up feeling stress and unhappy. I worry about our future, yes! I worry how in the world we can manage to be together without asking for any help from our folks. I worry how is he as my future husband. I worry how am I being a good mother. I worry where we could get all the finances for our expenses. I worry a lot, and I admit, I worry more about him.
I feel a lil bit unorganize today. I wanna talk about this with him as well. Even I know how will he react on this. He'll go like...
"Stop worrying about it babe, I promise I'll be a good husband and a good father."
Yah? sure thanks. :) Oh by the way, why are you staying here for a year and a half now? :(
Now I'm more worried than a while ago... Come to think of it, I have all the reasons right?
OK back to work. **darn
3 weeks ago
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