Am no vain, am no brand conscious, could these be the reasons why I had the most horrible day yesterday?
Few from my friends know what's the reason why my Yahoo Messenger status says "super mad". Now, I'd like to tell everyone what have had happened and also to give a lil benefit for me to burst out what's making me really mad.
Yesterday, I made a good figure for my quota, boss complemented me for doing that. After which, I headed to the next room where I use to do my sideline, in short, I had a long-fulfilled-tiring day. To give myself a special treat, I went to the near-by salon just down stairs of the condo and had my favorite thing--footspa and pedicure. For the longest time, I was thinking of having my hair done. This time I want it different. I want something like the Olsen twin's hair, or Serena's look (oh she's adorable), or Rachael Grins' seductive hair, which is curly on the lower part of the strands. Then I ask the stylist, are you doing something like that even I had a treatment 4 months ago? They said YES. So I go for it. :)
The result was freakin' awful. It was the most horrible feeling in the world--when you were in the peek of your career days when everyone should look nice and gourgeous because all of you can afford the desirable things in earth which is to pamper yourself in the salon and spa, everything turned out mess as for me. :(
I can describe my hair as straight-not-curly-frizzy-thick-super-dry-eewwy-hair.
Then I told myself, I shouldn't go to the office like this. So I made an effort, conditioned my hair with creamsilk pink and dry it then curled it up and put some pony. If you can't understand, try to think Chunli's hair. So there, I slept over night with that annoying hair and woke up super late and got ready for work. I went to the bathroom and had a body shower. Grab my yellow top and finally pull out the pony tail i made.
Tadah! the outcome!? sayang! I don't have pic. It turned out nice. Better than earlier. Sigh..
3 weeks ago
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