Good morning, Babe!
Last weekend was such a meaningful moment for us, me and my boyfriend. I really had a great time. :) I was hoping time would stop litteraly for us to enjoy each moment together. Friday night, we grabbed some dinner at KFC. He had 2 pcs of chicken and I had a lighter meal, famous bowl. We were really excited to meet up because we had a one straight week focusing with our jobs, so just imagine how excited we are to meet again. Came weekend, we've decided to have a quality time at his crib Friday after shift til Monday morning. It was actually fun. We experienced being together, we felt like we were just playing "luto-lutuan" or "bahay-bahayan". We ended up the night cuddling while watching a horror film, The Day of the Dead.See that mini hotdogs and 2 sunny side up eggs up there? Yea, we mananged to cook that together as we wake up Saturday morning. We went to the grocery store to buy some goods for our meals ahead. We bought snacks and some toiletries. 11am, R started preparing for our lunch. He cooked Tuna Pasta and fried chicken and it was delish I swear. We even shared it to his brother's family living at the back of his house and the kids went gaga over the food, they went over to our place and asked "Tito meron pa bang tuna pasta? Ang sarap e". I was a proud girlfriend having a boyf who's really a master in cooking and a very kind tito to his pamangkins. :)

Tuna Pasta and Crispy Fried Chicken
1/2 kilo Del Monte Pasta
Cream Mushroom
Nestle Cream
2 cans Century Tuna (Flakes and Oil)
We were thinking of shopping at SM that afternoon but we kinda think it's not a good idea because the clouds are becoming a lil dark, it might start to rain. I dragged R outside to walk along the village. Hee. He didn't like it at first, he said he'll bring Reina (his Rottweiler) with us, so it wouldn't be that awkward seeing us walking together. It wasn't his thing. I mean, R isn't that showy guy who use to cuddle when people is around. Reina is a big big dog and I can't stand if he'll run so fast, he might scare me to death, so I said let's stay here at home and watch instead. Suddenly, he brought me outside and then we started walking, holding hands as we appreciate the big houses along the village. There were tons of big houses. Some are for rent and others are for sale. We were dreaming of buying a corner lot and building our own dream house having Nikos (his son) and baby girl, our own daughter. It was as if real scenario. As I hold his hand I asked him, would that be possible for us to build our own family? He kissed me in forehead and said, "just have faith, we'll get there."
We were about to go back to his crib, meanwhile Myles, his pretty niece caught us. She asked us to tag along with her friends and go to Texas St. where the playground is. We obliged. We bought some ice cream in the nearby store and started licking each own pinipigs and chuckie popsicle stick :)

At night the rain started to fall. We were about to go out and drink somewhere but we opted to stay home instead and there we had several beers with his friends. His niece went out and told R he'll accompany us tomorrow in SM and we'll go shopping. YEY!
The next day, I was the one who prepared the brekky. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pics of it. I cooked scambled egg, a different version actually. Sayang I should have showed you how it looked like. We had a big brekky. Scambled egg by madam, barbecue and tons of rice. LOL
The kid finally arrived our place and asked her tito what time are we goin to leave for shopping, she was so excited. So after brekky, me and R prepared to leave.
I'll gonna blog what happened to our mall tour in my other space, so stay tuned :)
We arrived home at 4pm. The kid was so happy with the stuffs we bought for her. We started the movie marathon with the kids. We prepared tons of chips for them, we even made popcorn so they will feel the movie house like ambiance LOL.
Meanwhile R prepared dinner. He grilled pork chops and I thought of not eating too much because I was feeling full the whole time. But I was wrong, I end up eating bunch of rice and his mouth watering grilled pork chops! Ahhh LIFE! Sarap!
We finished watching Friday the 13th and Step Up 2. We hit the sack then and had a nice conversation as we go to sleep. R and I had a good talk about our future, yes, I know I got goosebumps while we were talking. I didn't know me and R will finally talk about these things. I thought I'll just be having this conversation with only one person and glad to know there's this someone who will still appreciate and come with me as I start to dream my future again having my own family... with him. :)
Simple things happened in my weekend. Those simple things will always be cherished in my heart. Moments which are priceless and will forever stay in my mind. :) Thanks babe for the wonderful four days we had last weekend! I love you, R.