Your romantic hopes might well be shattered today, and you may be forced to seriously consider a separation. The conjunction of the card of Death and the Star often indicates an emotional crisis, and it goes without saying that this could be making you feel very downbeat today. It’s difficult to give advice in these situations, but it’s no good swimming against the current or trying to convince someone to stay if they have already packed their case, dear aiza. Deep down, of course, you know that with time you’ll get over it. On the work front, significant transformations are taking place around you. Under the auspices of Death, you may be asked to re-examine your working methods, take on a different role, work with different people or move to a new place of work… Anything’s possible! Luckily, with the Wheel of Fortune on your side, you can hope to turn the situation in your favor, as you’re blessed with great diplomacy and perceptiveness. Accept the changes if they’ll help you to develop in a positive way!
Syang sya! Alam na alam nya. I just couldn't take even the tarot is telling me how effed up my life is in all aspect! You got to be kiddin me!
Oh well, exhale inhale nalang sabi nga ni cc.
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